Friday, May 11, 2012

Hi friends! It’s been quite a while. Amidst the absolute madness of my time in Shanghai, the spontaneous adventures, the wild parties, amazing spring breaks (one of which involves a very nasty sunburn-see below), playing impromptu games of volleyball, hosting the NYU variety show, or simply sitting on the campus quad enjoying the sunlight, wasting my time in a way that time does not feel like it’s being wasted, I have not found the time to update my blog! And I feel very, very guilty about it right now.

I absolutely wish that I had kept closer tabs on my time here, and, as we get closer to the end of the semester, time has taken on the quality of a fistful of sand: the more we desperately try to hang on to it and grasp it, the faster it slips away in our fingers. My time spent in Shanghai, the good times, and the bad times, shall be kept in a special box in the back of my mind, to be visited when I’m back in the hustle-and-bustle of New York, drowning in the stress of junior year recruiting.

You might be wondering to yourself: “Why is Jinna going so sentimental on us? What is up with that?” Well, my mood has been strangely nostalgic lately. I am about to hit a big milestone in life right now, in exactly 34 days, I will no longer be able to call myself a teenager. Twenty…the big 20…I will be two DECADES old! DECADES!

I guess what scares me is the inevitability of aging. No matter what I do, or how much I want to stay young, the day that I turn 20 is fast approaching, and there is nothing I can do to even slow the passage of time. Being twenty seems to come with a dose of responsibility that I'm not so sure I am ready to take. 

In the last month of my teens, I am committing myself to documenting each and every day. Written diaries were never my thing, so I am starting a photo diary. I will actually lug my DSLR everywhere I go, taking photos of every scene in my life, the crazy as well as the mundane. I am announcing it here, on my blog, in an effort to hold myself to my promise. I will do it guys! Keep updated on my photo diary, going up on Facebook very soon!

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