Thursday, March 8, 2012

As promised, here is a post about some phrases you might be dying to know in China, but just can't seem to find in any guidebook.

First up, directions. Specifically, taxi cab directions. I've felt that same helplessness you feel the moment you get into a taxi cab, say the memorized address for school or your internship or whatever, and just hope to God that the address you gave won't be misinterpreted and that the taxi driver won't loop around some back alleyways to charge you extra money and waste your time.

     The Basics:         左转 zhuǒ zhuǎn  Turn left
                                  右转  yòu zhuǎn  Turn right
                                  直行  zhí xíng      Go straight
                                  在这靠边  zài zhè kào biān Pull over right here

     The Harder Stuff:  不要绕弯  bú yào rào wān   Don't loop! (my attempt at translating)
                                  要不然举报你yào bù rán jǔ bào nǐ  Or else I will report you!

Next up, food. Many of my friends here have various dietary restrictions: some cannot eat beef, some cannot eat pork, and some cannot eat meat altogether. With these phrases to help, you can have crazy gastronomic adventures in China with added ease of mind.

  The Basics  
   (这个)...有猪肉吗?(zhègè)...yǒu zhūròuma? (Does this)...have pork?
   (这个)...有牛肉吗?(zhègè)...yǒu niú ròu ma? (Does this)...have beef?
   这个里面有肉吗?zhè gè lǐ miàn yǒu ròu ma? Does this have meat inside?
The Harder Stuff
          可以不放猪肉吗?ké yǐ bú fàng zhū ròu ma? Can you take out the pork?
          可以不放牛肉吗?ké yǐ bú fàng niú ròu ma? Can you take out the beef?
          可以不放肉吗? ké yǐ bú fàng ròu ma?   Can you take out the meat?
Finally, I bring you a phrase that could help with a very commonplace, and extremely irksome situation in China- line-cutting. Whether you are standing in line at either the KFC or the movie theater, people really just waltz on over and cut you in line without any sense to address you.In my experience, this occurs even more often with old ladies, who really feel so entitled to cut you in line without any apology, and here is what you should say:
 你干什么?nǐ gàn shén me? What are you doing?
这是排队的!zhè shì pái duìde! There is a line!

Well, that was all I had to offer in terms of helpful phrases. If you would like to know how to say something else, please feel free to add a comment below!